In these divisive times, it’s easy to forget that we are more alike than we are different. Fundamentally, we all want the same thing. We want to love. We want to be loved, and we want to matter.
“Nothing good ever happens when people care more about our differences than the things we share in common. The future I hope for is the same as yours. A future in which our children grow up never knowing love as a wall. But only as a bridge."
I will forever be grateful for the love, joy and support I witnessed on July 10th, 2021. Thank you Kris and Woody! I absolutely loved being your wedding photographer. I hope the two of you, your family and your friends can look back at these photos and have them bring you right back to the feelings you experienced on that day.
In Our America, All People Are Equal, Love Wins, Black Lives Matter, Refugees Are Welcome, Disabilities Are Respected, Women Are In Charge Of Their Bodies, People & Planet Are Valued Over Profit, Diversity Is Celebrated
Catering: Art of Catering
DJ: Noteworthy DJs
Photography: Riad Edwards Photography