I know I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but I really do love my job. As a photographer, I get to witness, experience and share some of life’s happiest moments; I have the freedom and flexibility to work when and where I want; I get to use my creativity to create beautiful works of art, and above all else, I get to give one of the greatest gifts of all time.
I don’t know if I can adequately express the joy I feel when my clients tell me they love their photos, but I’ll give it a shot. To start, I’ll try using an analogy to help you better understand. Imagine its Christmas morning; you’re kicking back in your favorite pair of pajamas, sipping on an Irish coffee, (or a hot chocolate, if you're a teetotaler), watching your family open presents, while you anxiously wait to give your gift; namely, one you put a great deal of thought into and took a significant amount of time to find. Now that I’ve set the scene, let me try and explain. The sense of accomplishment I feel when I finish editing a collection of photos is similar to that of a Christmas shopper finding the perfect gift; The period of time in which I wait to hear back from my clients is comparable to the anticipation one might feel watching a loved one unwrap a gift; The joy and validation I feel when I first hear back from my clients is essentially the same as the joy one would feel knowing they gave the perfect gift. In summary, I basically get to celebrate Christmas all year long, kind of like that neighbor that never takes down their Christmas lights. All jokes aside, it’s the praise and positive feedback I get from my clients that keeps me going.
Amanda and Brandon, thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your wedding day. I doubt you two are even aware that you’ve already given me one of the best compliments a photographer could ask for. The fact that you selected me as your photographer, after meeting me for the first time at Amanda and Michael’s wedding, told me that you trusted me as a professional and saw value in my work, and for that, I am forever grateful. I’d also like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to witness one of the most heartfelt weddings I’ve ever attended. The love I witnessed and experienced that day was truly undeniable, and the photos I’m sharing with you here are evidence of that. I hope you're able to feel that love every time you look at these photos.
Brandon, you love that woman something fierce. Having experienced true love before, l can say with confidence that I know true love when I see it, AND that is exactly what you and Amanda have for each other. In regard to the photographic evidence I mentioned earlier, there’s no better example than the photos I captured of you during the procession. The moment you laid eyes on Amanda was, in the simplest of terms, powerful. I could literally feel the love emanating off of you, and as soon as those tears started to form in your eyes, I knew I was done for. Seeing as I rarely ever cry at weddings, I’d like to thank you for ruining my track record, lol. From what little time the three of us have spent together, there is still no doubt in my mind, that the love you two share for one another will stand the test of time. Here is to happily ever after.